Can I read Log file in RDS



I have exported an Oracle 19c database running on AWS RDS instance using DBMS_DATAPUMP and generated a dump and a log file on on the predefined oracle data pump directory.

Is there any way for me to read the LOG file generated on RDS server without downloading the file to an S3 bucket or not? Is there a way to download the LOG and DUMP file directly from RDS server to my laptop or we have to use an S3 bucket?


1 Answer
Accepted Answer


If you do not want to use S3 in the RDS export/import process, then you could use EFS integration with RDS to get your files created directly on EFS rather than the RDS server. See: - Hope this helps.

If you already have the dump and log files in RDS, on the other hand, and if they are what you want to access, then you got to use S3 as the in-between staging area.

Regards, Govardhanan.

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reviewed 9 months ago

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