Datazone IAM permission only for schema


i wnat to create a role that can only write descriptions for tables/columns in the project and edit/add meta data. what permissions should i give?

asked 3 months ago97 views
1 Answer

To create a role that can write descriptions for tables and columns, as well as edit and add metadata in a project, you should assign the following permissions: glue:UpdateTable, glue:UpdateColumnStatisticsForTable, glue:PutTable, glue:PutColumnStatisticsForTable, and glue:UpdateDatabase. These permissions allow the role to update and manage table and column descriptions, and handle metadata tasks within the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Additionally, to ensure the role has access to the necessary resources, include the glue:GetTable, glue:GetTables, and glue:GetDatabase permissions for read operations. This setup ensures the role can perform all required metadata operations without overextending its privileges.

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answered 2 months ago

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