Why can't a cast a number into an int?


I've got a dataset which I'm trying to convert a column to an int. There are some blank values (so not a null) but the error I got is: INVALID_CAST_ARGUMENT: Cannot cast '1,00' to INT

Do I have to remove the comma before? The query I'm using is:

, (CASE hoeveelheid WHEN '' THEN null ELSE CAST(hoeveelheid as int) END) hoeveelheid

asked 2 years ago1840 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

I see the problem. The CAST includes the "as int". Try this:

, (CASE hoeveelheid WHEN '' THEN null else (CAST(Replace(hoeveelheid, ',00', '') as int)) END) hoeveelheid

answered 2 years ago

You don't mention which AWS service you are using, but if you're using redshift, did you see this document on TO_NUMBER?


answered 2 years ago

This will probably help you more than my previous answer. Just saw the athena tag.


answered 2 years ago

Thank you for your answers. I think I'm close but I still get erros. Now I'm using this:

, (CASE hoeveelheid WHEN '' THEN null else (CAST(Replace(hoeveelheid, ',00', '')) as int) END) hoeveelheid

The error: line 7:81: mismatched input ')'. Expecting: <expression>

answered 2 years ago

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