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How can we do patch compliance reporting for Patching using SSM AWS-PatchAsgInstance document in Patch manager solution.


How can we do patch compliance reporting LIKE storing the reports to S3 bucket for Patching using SSM AWS-PatchAsgInstance document. Could you please help me the approach.

We do have compliance reporting in AWS-PatchInstanceWithRollback in SSM document, SO looking for similar approach in ASG Patch group patching. { "name": "SaveComplianceReportToS3", "action": "aws:invokeLambdaFunction", "inputs": { "FunctionName": "SaveRptToS3Lambda-{{automation:EXECUTION_ID}}", "Payload": "{"S3Bucket": "{{ReportS3Bucket}}", "CheckCompliance": {{CheckCompliance.Payload}}}" }

asked a year ago375 views
1 Answer

The AWS-PatchAsgInstance document currently does not support compliance reporting. In order to achieve this, I think you will need to create a custom runbook off the AWS-PatchAsgInstance document and add custom steps to achieve the complicance reporting.

answered a year ago

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