Can AWS Workspaces remember webcam selections?


In an environment where each user has a Windows laptop with a webcam and an external webcam. AWS Workspaces client for Windows does not remember the selection of the webcam. It is very annoying to adjust camera settings each time.

I found nothing obvious in Windows registry or AppData\local. Can someone share your thoughts? Thanks.

asked a year ago242 views
2 Answers

Hello JM,

To save a webcam to the workspace, see Webcams and other video devices in the Amazon WorkSpaces user guide.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Feels like that the AWS Workspaces client does not remember the settings. When laptop users move from company to home where the external camera changes, the user always needs to re-select the preferred camera. The only option at this moment is to close AWS Workspaces client, restart and select the camera to use. Is this the current limitation? Thanks.

answered a year ago

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