How to generate Windows server RDP Password


I am not able to create a password for RDP login.Enter image description here

asked 6 months ago393 views
1 Answer


This would occur when the instance was launched from AMI that was not sysprepped or admin account was changed. To resolve this issue you can perform one of two possible solutions

Possible solutions 1 : Manage instance via SSM and Use ec2launch to shutdown without sysprep

*NB ensure SSM agent is running on your instance , by Navigating to get system log

  1. Create iam role and attach it on the instance[]
  2. Reboot the instance, Navigate to EC2, Session manager tab, Click connect session manager
  3. Once you are logged on to the terminal , type net user <username> <password> , Click enter to run the command successful

<username> -represents user admin account that you will login ,<password> -create a new password based on your password complexity requirements

  1. Login to the instance, From the Windows Start menu, search for and choose Amazon EC2Launch settings.
  2. Select Shutdown without Sysprep. start the instance and you should have option to use your keypair to connect to the instance.

Possible solutions 2 : Offline method with EC2rescue Follow the link below on this repost offline method

answered 6 months ago

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