How is the indexing process taken care of in opensearch serverless?


I found this on AWS site for opensearch serverless: "When you write data to a collection, OpenSearch Serverless distributes it to the indexing compute units. The indexing compute units ingest the incoming data and move the indexes to S3" Do index compute units automatically index incoming data and store it to Amazon S3?

asked 4 months ago287 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Yes, indexing compute units automatically index data and store it in Amazon S3.

Data Ingestion: Data is written to an OpenSearch Serverless collection.

Indexing: Indexing compute units automatically index the incoming data.

Storage: Indexed segments are stored in Amazon S3.

References Amazon OpenSearch Service Serverless :

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answered 4 months ago
reviewed 4 months ago

When you ingest data through the OpenSearch serverless collection endpoint, service will use the OCU across AZs and then write it out to Amazon S3. S3 will be the permanent storage for storing the segments.

answered 4 months ago

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