Timeline on availability of db.r6i in Europe/Frankfurt


Is there an ETA of the availability of db.r6i DB instance class in the Europe/Frankfurt region.

On https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2022/04/amazon-rds-mysql-m6i-r6i-instances-instance-sizes-128-vcpus-1024-gib-ram/ it was announced only in a limited number of regions.

1 Answer

Im not a AWS employee and have almost the same question (with a different service, EKS).

R6 instances are already available in eu-central-1b and eu-central-1c, but not eu-central-1a. I just checked and you can actually already create a Single-DB-Instance or with a single read replica since it only needs 2 availability zones.

If you need 3 zones availability the question is:

When will r6 instances be available in eu-central-1a , so we can actually use R6 instances in services that need all three zones?

answered 2 years ago

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