Monitoring without CloudWatch


Hello There,

We are trying to monitor health checks for AWS Route 53. Everything I'm reading online to do this references CloudWatch or Amazon proprietary monitoring tools.

My question is: Are we required to use CloudWatch or Amazon proprietary monitoring tools to monitor health checks in Route 53 or can we use third-party?

Kind Regards,

2 Answers


I use CloudWatch because Route 53 itself is an AWS service.
By using CloudWatch, it is possible to easily send notifications using Alarm settings.
Although Zabbix and others can be used in conjunction with AWS, there are operational disadvantages such as the need to build and maintain monitoring tools.
Also, if you want to obtain Route53 metrics with Zabbix, you will need to create your own script using the following functions.

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answered a year ago

Customers also use Puppeteer or Selenium. I suggest also browsing through CloudWatch's managed Puppeteer/managed Selenium solution: which is quite powerful.

Synthetics canaries offer programmatic access to a headless Google Chrome Browser via Puppeteer or Selenium Webdriver. For more information about Puppeteer, see Puppeteer. For more information about Selenium, see

answered a year ago

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