Moving aurora Serverless instance to rds Provisoned


Im thinking of moving exisitng aurora serverless v2 io optimized database to rds provisioned one. Min ACu -2, Max ACu -16, Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless v2 IO-Optimized - Hr - 6500, IOPS Count - Million - 7000, Storgae IO-GB Month - 3650

i thought of choosing the instance between db.r5xlarge or db.r7g.xlarge In cloud watch from metrices Readiops and writeiops im having count/second at certain points around 72000. how to select the storegae type and how to provision the iops

1 Answer

Sure! Here's a concise guide to configure your RDS instance without using Terraform:

Steps to Configure RDS Instance Login to AWS Management Console: Navigate to the RDS Dashboard.

Create a New RDS Instance: Click on "Databases" in the left-hand menu. Click on "Create database".

Select Database Engine: Choose "PostgreSQL".

Choose Database Edition: Select "Standard Create".

Configure DB Instance: DB Instance Class: Choose db.r7g.xlarge. Storage Type: Select "Provisioned IOPS (io2)". Allocated Storage: Set to a value that supports your required IOPS (e.g., 144 GiB for 72,000 IOPS).

Set Storage and IOPS: IOPS: Set to 72,000 (or as needed based on your requirements).

Specify Database Details: DB Instance Identifier: Enter a name for your instance. Master Username: Enter the master username. Master Password: Enter the master password.

Configure Advanced Settings: Parameter Group: Choose the default PostgreSQL parameter group or create a new one if needed. Backup: Configure backup settings as per your requirements. Monitoring: Enable enhanced monitoring if needed.

Configure VPC and Subnet Group: VPC: Ensure the instance is associated with the correct VPC. Subnet Group: Choose a public subnet if you require public access.

Create Database: Review all settings and click "Create database".

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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