Glacier Deep Archive - 'assign presigned URL' greyed out


Hi, can anyone advise how I can make a folder (and it's enclosed files) available via presigned URL? Do I need to first 'retrieve' the selected assets prior to being able to share them, or is there something else I'm missing, causing the option to be greyed out in Glacier Deep Archive?

asked a year ago555 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

To operate objects stored in glacier deep archive you first have to retrieve them in an s3 bucket or in RRS (Reduce Redundancy Storage) and it takes some time depending on the class your objects belong to (standard 12 hours or bulk 48 hours).

Once retrieve you can share them using presigned urls as explained here.

You can take a look at this resource for additional information on how the retrieval process works.

You might be also interested in this blog which highlights the retrieval process.

David C
answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed a year ago

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