Create a hub for Jupiter notebooks like Google Colab


We would like to create an application for students like Google Colab, IBM Quantum lab or qBraid that allows the launch of private Jupyter notebooks with a pre-install libraries and shutdown them on idle to save cost.

We found that AWS provides an excellent tools named SageMaker Studio, we want to know if it possible to integrate it with a web application developed using Amplify, custom domain name and Congito.


2 Answers

Yes, it is possible to integrate AWS SageMaker Studio with a web application developed using AWS Amplify(API integration, data storage, and more), custom domain names, and Amazon Cognito (Authentication- user sign-up, sign-in and and user profile management). In your web application's user interface, create a section or page where users can launch a SageMaker Studio instance or access their existing instances. Use the AWS SageMaker Python SDK or the AWS CLI to programmatically create and manage SageMaker Studio instances for your users. You can create a new instance or retrieve an existing instance based on the user's authentication credentials. Once you have a SageMaker Studio instance for a user, you can embed the SageMaker Studio IDE within your web application using an iframe or by redirecting the user to the SageMaker Studio URL.

answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Thank you for the valuable answer. Is the SageMaker Studio URL protected by Cognito when the instance is running?


No, the SageMaker Studio URL itself is not directly protected by Amazon Cognito when the instance is running. Cognito is primarily used for user authentication and authorization in your web application, not for protecting the SageMaker Studio instance URL.

When you create a SageMaker Studio instance, AWS generates a unique URL for accessing that instance. This URL is not automatically integrated with Cognito or any other authentication mechanism. However, you can implement additional security measures to protect access to the SageMaker Studio URL, such as JWT Authentication, Application Load Balancer, IAM Auth to list a few.

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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