AWS RDS failover with read replica instances


I have few questions about AWS RDS disaster recovery when read replication is enabled.

  1. What happens when an AWS RDS database has read replication instances configured (in same and different AZ's) and the primary instance goes down, does one of the replication instances becomes primary, also what happens to the ongoing read/write operations?
  2. How the failover takes place when cross-region replication has been configured?
  3. Is the failover process being same for all kind of RDS databases?
1 Answer
Accepted Answer
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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • I suppose this is for Amazon Aurora databases, is it same for all the RDS supported databases, Like Oracle /MySQL/MSSQL?

  • Hi, externally (i.e from a user standpoint like you and me). yes. Internally, it's of course dependent of the specific architecture of each dbms. But, those differences are not surfaced.

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