Is it possible to change Contact Lens rules settings from 'If all of these conditions are met'?


While setting up Contact Lens for Amazon Connect I noticed that it says 'If all these conditions are met' with the all greyed out although there is a symbol that indicates there should be a drop down list I could pick from that I am not able to click. Does anyone know how I would be able to enable this function so that I could select that not all conditions need to be met to trigger a Rule.

asked 3 years ago338 views
1 Answer


When creating Amazon Connect rules for Third-party Integration, you can select "If any of these conditions are met", but not when creating Contact Lens rules. Since it is not possible to create a rule that says if any of the conditions are met, you can accomplish this by creating multiple smaller rules.

I hope this helps you.

answered 3 years ago

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