Unable to see my ec2 and vpc.


An error occurred retrieving the page content. Please try reloading the page. When trying to see all EC2 and VPC of my account. for any regions, I have selected. Maybe something is wrong with my test account. how to get that reset? Happening the same with my root user and also an IAM account I created.

asked 10 months ago1588 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

It's very less likely that there is a problem in your account. Usually such type of errors are not persistent and should go away shortly.

Can you logging out and log back in once. Also, did you try to access the EC2/VPC console with regional end point. For example, I'm accessing EC2 console in us east-1 with this URL https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=us-east-1#Home: can you try accessing it by changing the region https://us-east-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=us-east-1#Home: .

Do you still see the same behavior. I'm not sure if you have support plan with which you log a case to AWS support. If none of the above helps, I'd suggest you to reach out to AWS support by logging a case.

Hope this helps.


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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Hi Abhishek, I am just starting to learn ropes in AWS. I am not getting EC2 and VPC list of instances or networks in any of the regions. For all regions I am getting the same error (with my root user, as well a IAM user I created).

answered 10 months ago
  • Could this be a PC/browser issue?

  • I'm sorry, you are not able to access the console from any of the regional point. Next thing I'd sugest you to isolate this issue, whether it's console issue or your account specific issue, can you please configure(if not already done) AWS CLI and run following command just to see if you are able to list your EC2 instances:

    aws ec2 describe-instances --profile <aws_cli_profile_name>

    aws_cli_profile_name is the profile, which you'd have setup while configuring CLI, make sure you configure the cli profile for region, where you know instances exist. This would isolate the issue and let us know if this is for account/user or just console issue. Other things, which is again not very likely to be the case, try different browser, I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be browser issue but as @Gary suggested, no harm to give a try.


I had the same error, I created my first ubuntu instance, started it, connected to it through the browser, so I did everything the same way and everything went the same way as in the video until 9:20, then I closed the browser window with the console in it and from then on I couldn't access the EC2 interface.

answered 4 months ago

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