SageMaker Pipeline triggered from GitHub Actions


Here is the process that we are thinking of.

  1. Data scientist creates a Pull Request in the GitHub repository, suppose,
  2. GitHub actions is triggered, finished all the unit tests and vulnerabilities testing.
  3. If everything gets passed, then the SageMaker pipeline will be triggered.
  • Pre-processing of data
  • Training job
  • Evaluation and Check
  • Registering to Model registry
  • Creating Endpoint for Model serving

Does this process look good and is this achievable? Do we have any helpful contents, use-cases, code bases for similar kind of project, which we can take reference of? Can someone layout the steps, especially for 3rd point. Thank you in advance.

1 Answer

Hello, I understand you're trying to setup SageMaker Pipeline triggered from GitHub Actions and you would like some helpful resources to achieving the same.

As per your use-case, more detailed step to step instruction inline to the steps that you mentioned in the 3rd point can be found here[1]. There's an Example [2] that creates a pipeline including steps for pre-processing, training, evaluation, conditional evaluation, model registration and inference. Our GitHub page also has examples for building pipelines on SageMaker [2]. Do visit [3] to see a list of examples. Please go through these resources once as per your use case.

If you have any difficulty or run into any issue, Please reach out to AWS Support[+] (Sagemaker), along with your issue/use case in details and we would be happy to assist you further. [+] Creating support cases and case management -

[1] [2] [3] [4]

answered a year ago

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