When will Timestream be available in ap-northeast-1?



We are a startup from Japan, currently creating our infrastructure architecture. Time series data will be central to all we do, and as we are planning to build as much as possible on serverless, AWS-native services, Timestream would be our preferred choice. MVP to be done by end of 2022, so I would like to know

  • are there rollout plans for timestream in ap-northeast-1 at this point?
  • if yes, would it be possible to join a pilot program if you have?

Chatted with sales, but they didn't have an answer either, so here goes my request to the dev team/product owner. If we cannot use Timestream, we might settle on Azure instead, since Azure Time Series Insights is available in one of their Japanese AZs already.

asked 2 years ago48 views
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