Data Migration from On-premises MySQL DB to RDS MySQL and Regular Updates from On-premises MySQL DB


I have an on-premises MySQL database that needs to be migrated to an AWS RDS MySQL database. The on-premises database will be updated regularly, and I want to update the RDS database with the latest records from the on-premises database on a daily basis at a scheduled time. The two databases have schema differences, and I need to modify the data from the on-premises database to match the schema of the RDS database. I will not be performing any analytics on the data, and the RDS database will be used as the database for a web application.

Can you suggest an ideal approach for this scenario?

Thanks in Advance!

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Your use case will allow full leverage on AWS DMS for MySQL:

  1. You can have different schemas:
  2. Transformation rules will allow you to adapt content for new schema:
  3. DMS will agregate the changes for you. and apply them when desired via checkpoints:
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you so much. this is helpful. decided to implement with DMS. Thanks again!!

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