Cannot find aws-parallelcluster AMI


I'm trying to launch an instance using an aws-parallelcluster AMI from the console. However, I cannot find any of them by searching using aws-parallelcluster or similar. Is there any list with the AMI IDs for each region and OS? Thanks.

asked a year ago345 views
2 Answers

I had to install pcluster in an instance and run the command $ pcluster list-official-images Otherwise, I wasn't able to find the list.

answered a year ago

Hi @AWS-User-7310704, pcluster list-official-images is the right command to use.

The alternative is to use a command like:

aws ec2 describe-images --owners amazon --filters "Name=name,Values=aws-parallelcluster-3.7.1-*"

or do something similar from the AWS console.

Anyway could you describe why you're using it outside of ParallelCluster, as a standalone instance? Which is your use case?

Thanks Enrico

answered a year ago

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