Amazon workspace with Windows 11 Bundle.


We would like to deploy and test our applications on windows 11 desktop and check compatibility of our application on windows11. Can you please let me know that i can get windows 11 bundle on Amazon workspace on special request?

asked 3 years ago717 views
1 Answer

At this time, you can choose between Windows 10 powered by Windows Server 2016 or 2019, Windows 10 via bring your own licensing (BYOL), or Amazon Linux 2.

Windows 11 versions are not supported at this time. There are currently no published timeline for the support of Windows 11 Amazon WorkSpaces. AWS is constantly adding new capabilities so you can leverage the latest technologies and also looking at specific customer product feature enhancement requests.

I would encourage you to contact your AWS account team for your organization for more specific discussions around your business needs for the new version.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

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