"An internal error occurred" while creating a Cloudtrail Trail


Hi! I am trying to create a trail in Cloudtrail with the Cloudwatch, SNS topic, and an S3 bucket for the logs integration via the console in order to fulfill the PCI compliance results obtained by Security Hub. After making the configuration, I got the following message at the final step "An internal error occurred. Refresh the page, and retry".

I tried using custom names for all the configurations and also configuring everything by default but neither of those worked for me across several days.

Any ideas on how I can get this working? Is there any configuration I need to have beforehand?

asked a year ago358 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


The error can happen for multiple reasons. For example, the S3 bucket name that you use is not globally unique. Please check the error message on the CreateTrail event in your CloudTrail event history to see if there are any more details. Besides, when the S3 bucket is created, there should be a CreateBucket event. Please see if the S3 bucket is created successfully as well.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks! Looking through clooudtrail I managed to see that there was an issue while creating the AWS KMS managed key. I solved it by creating one on my one and attaching the necessary policies for cloudtrailo to use it.

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