Run Command Missing from EC2 Console


Hi, I'm very new to AWS and am in the process of running through a course on Pluralsight. There are many references to running the 'run command' for EC2 instances however I don't see the run command or the 'systems manager services' in the left hand pane when logging in with my admin user account. I have tried logging in with an IAM admin user account and the available options are the same. Should I be able to see the 'systems manager services' and associated commands or is there an action required to enable this view?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by: Sunking2498 on Jan 5, 2020 7:22 PM

asked 4 years ago251 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I too am going through some Pluralsight tutorials and ran into the same issue. It appears the entire Systems Manager contents from the left pane of the EC2 dashboard has been moved to it's own dashboard. You can click Services in the upper left and navigate to AWS Systems Manager. Run Command is under the Instance & Nodes section on the left pane there.

answered 4 years ago

Perfect, thanks for your help!

answered 4 years ago

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