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Can I reduce my RDS costs?


I need the MSSQL database service, in this service I will upload some database backups, and then my tool will select all the data in the table, do some processing of these data for another instance of a database external data.

But I need to have the service standing so I can raise the .bak, but the cost of the RDS value is very high, I expected something at the most of 12 dollars at the end of the month, when I went to choose the service, there was no possibility of a t2.micro pro RDS or t3.medium as I can use in MySQL or Maria db, the least I found was an m5.xlarge, and I ended up in just 56,405 Hrs, with the value of $2,336 per RDS db.m5.xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server EE (LI), cost USD 131.76.

I would like to know what is the minimum configuration I can use in an RDS in MSSQL? Or if I did something wrong that no option appeared with a value closer to $0.017?

asked a year ago585 views
1 Answer

Hi Marcius.

Which edition of SQL Server are you using? The reason for the high cost is the license that is included for you to use SQL Server (Web, Standard, or Enterprise). Is there a way you could use SQL Express Edition which is free? Also, there is the Windows license you need to take into account; however, the largest license cost is SQL.

The smallest instance size I see is t3.small. I don't think there is a technically viable way to use anything smaller considering the demands of Windows+SQL.

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • But in SQL Edition, can I upload backups and make queries?

    And I didn't see the t3.smal option, even after selecting the SQL Server Standard Edition option it only appears larger options. What was the options you selected that a t3.small appeared?

  • I tried it with SQL Server Express Edition.

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