How to obtain deliberately right or wrong answers to a prompt using mechanical turk ?


I have a set of ten questions in french for which I would like to generate answrs. These answers can be right, worng or contain some right and some false information.

I would need to use mechanical turk to generate these answers and label them for if they are right or wrong. The questions are similar to this one :

Pourquoi cette araignée d'eau ne coule-t-elle pas ?

Meaning "Why does this water spider not drown." It can be accopmanied by a picture of a water spider floating.

A correct answer would be to talk about the hydrophobic limbs of the spider.

A wrong answer would be to simply state that the spider is too light to drown or anything else that could even have nothing to do with the prompt.

I am wondering what is the right way to use mTurk to provide such good and bad answers ? I would need answers in french. Would that even be possible using mTurk and to ask people to directly label their answer for right or wrong or unsure ?

asked 2 years ago43 views
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