Billing question


I have an AWS account and recently had to change the credit card for monthly payments. I have changed to the new credit card, however; I continue to get e-mails that my account will be suspended because it is overdue. Can someone please assist me so that I can get this resolved.

asked 9 months ago236 views
1 Answer

When you update your credit card in the billing portal, as soon as you have done so, it will ask you if you want to pay the outstanding balance from that card in a blue colored banner at the top of the screen. If you click this - you can pay immediately.

Failing that - navigate to your billing dashboard, and then to the "Payments" section. There you will see a "Payments Due" tab. On that Tab you will be able to select the payment that is due - and click the complete button to charge it to your new card.

If you still have trouble - there is also a "Contact Us" button which will allow you to reach billing support.

answered 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago

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