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Lightsail - container "Took too long" to deploy all of a sudden (Nothing in logs)



yesterday I was able to publish a new container into one of our Lightsails with no issues. Today when I try, the deployment fails, and the only thing visible in the logs says;

[16/Dec/2021:13:49:54] [deployment:13] Creating your deployment

[16/Dec/2021:13:54:28] [deployment:13] Took too long

I have tried multiple of lightsails, and no matter what I try to commit, this happens. I can't debug it further since the log doesnt say anything more than this. Im trying to deploy a container with two images (php + nginx), and both images logs says the same. I have disabled the lightsails and enabled them again and they just revert back to the last working image - which is exactly the same as the one I try to deploy (Except just a minor php echo in the index.php-file which can't have any reason why it's not working..)

What can I do - since the logs are so poor?

  • Region: eu-north-1

    I can't even roll back to a previous working deployment - same issue..

  • I am having the same issue trying to Deploy a spring-boot app docker image. Set the timeout to 120 via CLI, deployment states to be finished after a few seconds, but finally fails after 120 secs with: deployment:12 took too long.

    How did you solve it?

  • Hi, have any progress? I'm facing the same problem and recommendation in answer definitely can't work.

asked 3 years ago2.6K views
2 Answers

There are two things worth trying:

  1. Adjust the logging on the containers you're trying to deploy. The logs that you see on Lightsail are the same as the logs from the containers themselves (Lightsail just adds a couple logs about deployment status), so if you're not getting enough information, you need to log more from your containers.
  2. Adjust your healthcheck settings. Some containers take longer than the default settings to become healthy. You can adjust your healthcheck settings when you create a deployment.
answered 3 years ago
  • I'm facing the same problem. Even redeploying of already worked container service causes the "Took too long". It has nothing to do with logging or health check settings because a service/container simply does not run.

  • Adjust healthcheck settings does the trick, In my case, I am using 1 GB RAM, 0.5 vCPUs with BlitzJS application , timeoutSeconds:60 , intervalSeconds: 120,


I resolved this issue by adding CMD command inside my lauch script. Since my container was running php-fpm I added this code at the end of launch script

set -- php-fpm "$@"
exec "$@"
answered 2 years ago

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