StackSet stuck in Stopping state


Hello AWS support,

I have a stack-set stuck in Stopping status and it doesn't want to time out for few days now. Could you please fail the following operation ID ca498374-b491-4786-af92-28e4c8dba0dc, so I can modify the stack set? Problem seems similar to

This has happened to me before, but the operation timed out after few hours. This is an issue with Lambda custom resource not executing correctly in target account, which causes stack-set in administrator account to keep running without timing out, but stopping it manually hangs the operation. No other operation (Console/CLI/Boto3) is allowed due to OperationInProgressException error code. There is no option to set timeout on stack instances, neither nested stacks are supported.

Thanks in advance!


asked 3 years ago432 views
1 Answer


answered 3 years ago

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