What key to pass to s3.Object()?


I have no experience with AWS. I'm trying to figure out what is supposed to go in the place of "solution_key_name" here:

obj = s3.Object(solution_bucket_name, solution_key_name)

I just need to get this working so I can call the alpha qubo api like in this script: https://github.com/MetaAnalytics/meta-analytics/blob/master/notebooks/AlphaQUBO-1.3-QuickStart.ipynb

I've created the s3 bucket, but I don't know if I also need to create a key somewhere or whether it needs to be on my local machine or somehow connected to my aws account. Whatever the case is, I'm looking for the simplest solution, I don't have anything important on aws, I am not concerned about security.

asked a year ago261 views
1 Answer

The way the notebook reads, once you define the Bucket and the Key (which is the path and filename combined - so think foldername/filename) it:

  1. Deletes the existing object if it is there. (step 16)
  2. Passes the name to SolverAynscRequest which (should, I guess) store the solution in the Key name that you've specified. (step 17)
  3. Reads the content of the object. (step 18)
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I'm not really concerned about what the script is doing, what I need is step by step instructions on how to create or download the key (if necessary) and find the key path.

  • As I read the notebook, you specify the key; step 2 creates the data and stores it in the key; step 3 then reads the object so you could use the same Python code to do that.

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