ECS CodeDeploy "install" step is taking a while.


ECS CodeDeploy "install" step is taking a while. What exactly is involved in the "install" step during ECS CodeDeploy. I'm thinking the task/container is being created. I'm trying to figure out how to reduce the time associated with the "install" step. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

asked 2 years ago1532 views
1 Answer

Hi -

You are mostly correct, during the install step the application is being installed on a task set that is going to replace the old one.

Specifically, during the Install lifecycle event:

  1. A replacement task set is created in your Amazon ECS service.
  2. The updated containerized application is installed into the replacement task set.
  3. The second target group is associated with the replacement task set. [1]

It's unclear exactly how long the step is taking, but in general it's not a step that will be finished very quickly (like within a min) because of the heavy weight activities going on.

That said, you might want to see if the size of our container images is a factor.

answered 2 years ago
  • I can probably improve the container image size.

    Any idea on what I can adjust for #1, #2, or #3? Maybe adjusting the health check times on the load balancer for #3.

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