WHM EC2 Instance Instance reachability check failed



I just got a new GP3 volume from EBS and i was trying to mount it the disk onto my server.

Here are the steps i took before this issue happened:

  1. I made some changes to the /dev/fstab file in order to assign the disk to a home directory.
  2. I did a graceful reboot through the WHM system
  3. The graceful reboot took too long , up to 30 mins to 1 hour
  4. Stopped the instance in EC2 Console
  5. Stuck at stopping for 30 mins
  6. Force stopped the instance , after 20mins it stopped
  7. Tried starting the instance again but failed the status check
  8. Now i cannot access the WHM backend

Please advise on what i can do to remedy this thank you in advance

asked a year ago388 views
2 Answers


Try to retrieve the system log,

Open the Amazon EC2 console,

In the navigation pane, choose Instances, and select your instance.

Choose Instance state, Reboot instance. It might take a few minutes for your instance to reboot.

Verify that the problem still exists; in some cases, rebooting may resolve the problem.

When the instance is in the running state, choose Actions, Monitor and troubleshoot, Get system log.

Review the log that appears on the screen, and use the list of known system log error statements below to troubleshoot your issue.

Based on the error in the system log, you have to perform the troubleshooting steps. I presume that your case might be due to any issue in the mount volume configuration which affects the OS boot up program.


  1. if find any error noted in the system log, you can follow this link to troubleshoot them. - https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/ec2-linux-status-check-failure

  2. If you are unable to find/fix the issue, then you can try to manually rescue the instance by following this steps - https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/ec2-linux-status-check-failure-os-errors

Good luck!

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
Accepted Answer


Thank you for the answer! As I suspected, it is due to the change to the fstab configuration that caused the boot to fail when starting the instance. I used the serial console to connect to access the fstab file to reverse what i did. It is working now! Thanks for the answer!

And for future users, you can just manually mount the disk without using the fstab boot configuration file to auto mount the disk for you. I think that would be better for most beginners.

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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