Amazon PA API 5.0 - GetItems - book description


Hi, I am working on an application with Amazon PA API and trying to import book information. I can get all the info I need except it does not seem to return the book description like it does with items. Anyone have an idea if this is something that is blocked from being received or if I am missing something in my coding.

1 Answer

The Amazon Product Advertising API (PA API) does not include book descriptions in the default response for the GetItems operation.

To retrieve book descriptions, you need to use the ItemLookup operation instead of GetItems. First, make a GetItems call to get the ASIN of the book. Then, use the ASIN in the ItemLookup operation with the ResponseGroup parameter set to 'ItemAttributes,EditorialReview' to include the book description in the response, if available.

However, the availability of book descriptions may vary, and retrieving additional product details can incur additional charges based on the API's usage limits and pricing.

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answered 2 months ago
  • That was indeed the case for PA-API 4.0. However this in no longer the case for PA-API 5.0. The GetItems functionality in PA-API 5.0 is what was ItemLookup in PA-API 4.0 and in this case, it no longer offers the features section of the listings. So any other ideas? The GetItems call to the books works great with the author ASIN.

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