Remote access to ubuntu arm 22 desktop by TightVNC


I recently tried to install a desktop on my ubuntu arm 22 instance on AWS, but failed with many ways. So do you have a standard setup or steps for it? Thanks.

asked 2 months ago75 views
3 Answers
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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • I created an Ubuntu 22.04 EC2 using my AWS account and was able to check the installation and connection using the following commands.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies
    sudo apt install -y tightvncserver
    sudo apt-get install -y lxde
    vncserver -kill :1
    mv ~/.vnc/xstartup ~/.vnc/xstartup.baks
    # Put the following settings in the xstartup file.
    vi ~/.vnc/xstartup
    xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
    startxfce4 &
    chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup
    # Check the port number with the command below.
    ps -ef | grep $(whoami) | grep vnc
  • Thanks for your reply. When I ran step-3, I got this info "baronyu@ Permission denied (publickey)."

  • ps -ef | grep $(whoami) | grep vnc

    If nothing is displayed when you run the above command, it means that vncserver is not running.

    When I ran step-3, I got this info "baronyu@ Permission denied (publickey)."

    Please do not use SSH port forwarding and connect using the EC2 public IP address and port number. If the settings are correct, you should be able to connect using the VNC client installed on your PC.

  • I used VNC Viewer as VNC client to connect it, but failed, either. P.S. using this format: EC2-PublicIP:port-number

  • I found there is no .Xresource file and I create a new one, but it seems not to work well. I can only get a static display which I cannot do anything, so how do you set up the .Xresource file?


@Riku_Kobayashi Thanks for your reply, I tired it and when I ran "ps -ef | grep $(whoami) | grep vnc" but get nothing, what dose it mean? Further, it still cannot be connected.

answered 2 months ago

To install and access a graphical desktop on your Ubuntu, you can refer to the article How do I install GUI (graphical desktop) on Ubuntu EC2 instance and access it with NICE DCV?

answered 2 months ago

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