Route 53 and external mail server - SPF


Hello I got a problem with my emails. A lot of them go directly in my customers spam folder. I need to set up the SPF record. But my mail server is on a different hosting. Does anyone have experience to set up SPF correctly with external MX?

asked 3 years ago843 views
2 Answers

SPF records can contain multiple include statements. If your domain already has an SPF record, you can add an include statement for Amazon SES by using the following format:

"v=spf1 ~all"

answered 3 years ago

You can use tools like to autogenerate the SPF recored, it will be helpful for you to understand the basics of the Sender Policy Framework and how to use it from these links:

In addition to the SPF recored - or are very useful tools to check you email score and provide you with additional recommendations for improvement.

answered 3 years ago

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