SES Logging using SNS


Hello AWS Support Team,

We have recently noted down the sudden spike in our outgoing email traffic today. We have enabled the logging on our AWS SES using the SNS but surprisingly, we are not be able to received any events on the same. We are able to receive the emais for all other standard email operations on configured email address. We would like to know the reason behind the same. Also, can you please let me know, from which particular IP this event is happening and can you please share your suggestions about blocking those ip permanentntly for the SES communication channel.

We have already configured the SES notification using SNS event generation but the actual issue is , we are not getting any email notification when the mass mailing happens in our account although if the standard email sending is happening , we are getting notification emails. Can you please help in this case.

Thank you

2 Answers

I would recommend opening an AWS Support Case as opposed to posting here on re:post.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago


We have inquire in support as well but still waiting for the support from them, so i thought, if we can get an expert advice from repost members.

Thank you

answered 2 years ago

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