Workspaces licensing model


Hi all, we are evaluating AWS Workspaces to migrate several Citrix VDIs hosted onprem. I am struggling with finding the less cost effective solution. Currently, we have several users connecting to a dedicated win 10 VDIs, and some others connect to a win server 2016 appliance. In a migration scenario, if I am correct, only win server 2016/2019 bundles would be available. In such a scenario, how can one persist storage assigned to each user? How many connections could a win server bundle support? How could I map users to a specific bundle? What about data security in a shared environment? Thanks in advance

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Workspaces operates a little differently to Citrix - each user is allocated a dedicated Workspaces instance and storage is persisted for that user on that instance for the lifetime of the instance. So you'd create the instance for the user and it is dedicated to them until you terminate the instance. That could be hours or days but generally Workspaces instance are long-lived - they are a permanent desktop for the user.

If you're looking for desktop applications to be delivered to users but you don't need to maintain a permanent desktop for them you might look at AppStream instead. Users can still have persistent storage if they require.

There are a few ways to provide shared storage between users on both Workspaces and AppStream - I'd first look at FSx for Windows.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thank you so much! A lot clearer now. The fact that the underlying technology is Win Server fooled mw into thinking I could share bundles. Have a nice day ahead!

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