Specifying SID for QuickSight Oracle Data Set Connection



I have an Oracle Database that is hosted within an EC2 instance (not via RDS). I am trying to connect to it as a Data Source in Amazon QuickSight and it is producing the following error:

sourceErrorMessage:	Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor (CONNECTION_ID=xxxxxxx)

I know the credentials I am using are correct. I can connect externally, for example, using a JDBC connection string of jdbc:oracle:thin:@%s:1521/%s where we specify host, database, user, and pass. And I know what the SID is, but I don't have a means to specify it in the "New ORACLE data source" UI. I can't find anywhere in the documentation what SID the connection string for QuickSight might be using so I could modify my listener on the database side, so I'm not sure how to proceed. Any help is appreciated!

asked 5 months ago185 views
1 Answer

Hi, in the quicksight connection UI you have the property database name - that should translate directly to the SID i would have thought?

You can maybe check the listener log on the oracle side to see what is being presented as the SID to the listener?

It could also be that SID's are not configured in the listener at all - it is the legacy mode of connecting even though it's very widely used - you may only have service_names configured and might need to add an explicit hardcoded entry for the SID corresponding to database name in the listener.ora.

Cheers, Rich

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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