Add lambda authorizer to SpecRestApi using AWS CDK


Dear devs,

I am creating an API using AWS CDK from a Swagger (or OpenApi) specification. The problem I am facing is that this specification contains resources/methods that reference a custom lambda authorizer (ie. needs to be an ARN), but I don't know the best way to:

  • create the authorizer
  • have a resource/method in the spec use this authorizer

I can create the api and the lambda authorizer (tokenrequest), but how do I now link the authorizer to the resource/method? Is this even possible with the SpecRestApi class from the AWS CDK? or is the only way to construct the api using RestApi class and adding the authorizer by adding all resources from code?


asked 2 years ago2245 views
2 Answers

Thanks Marco! However the swagger specification references an arn... of the authorizer. Do I need to create the authorizer first in cdk, then do a replace in the swagger/openapi and then create the api from the swagger spec?

answered 2 years ago
  • Yes, this is one way to do it. The service team is aware of that issue but i have no date if and when this get´s fixed. Another option is to get all the methods from the api and overwrite the method options.

    But in general I would challenge what are the benefits defining the API as OpenAPI definition and is it worth the additional overhead you have with your Stack. You can also define your API with CDK Constructs and then export the Swagger Definition from your Stage.

  • Not sure what is happening with re:Post... account created but lost.. anyway:

    Hi Marco!

    Thanks for the reply, good to know I am not overlooking something ;-) I have managed to find a solution at the moment (create authorizer, replace placeholder, create api through spec ). The issue we are facing is that we have teams working in AWS and teams working in Interfaces/Integration. The latter are no coders and have no knowledge about AWS and therewith the CDK. They do know Swagger and OpenApi and want to be in control of that part. With this in mind we want to use those specs as leading assets for the API. The reason I said overlooking was because something similar is possible with a Resource Policy, where AWS resolves the resource with the correct ARN. Anyway for now I am good, so hopefully a fix will find its way into the spec for resolving it automatically.


When you define your API via OpenAPI you have to use the OPenAPI Extension to define the authorizer in your definition.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks Marco! However the swagger specification references an arn... of the authorizer. Do I need to create the authorizer first in cdk, then do a replace in the swagger/openapi and then create the api from the swagger spec?

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