Real time interactions, training fails


I am trying to train a user-personalization solution in AWS personalize. I am exclusively using real time events i.e. I have not imported any users, items and interactions.
I have created an event tracker and pumped more than 1000 events with more than 2 events for 25 users (this limit is mentioned in the documentation).
However with just the real time interactions ingested by invoking the "put_events" API, the model training fails with the following message :

"An error occurred (InvalidInputException) when calling the CreateSolution operation: Dataset group must contain an INTERACTIONS dataset with successfully completed dataset import job or EVENT_INTERACTIONS"

Not having an INTERACTIONS dataset with successfully completed dataset import job, I understand and do not have. But what is this EVENT_INTERACTIONS ? I don't see anything mentioned anywhere.

Finally, I have to ask, is it possible to train a solution using a user personalization recipe (aws-user-personalization) with only real time events and no other data ?

Will appreciate any insights.

P.S. This is implemented in python.

Edited by: CarcharodonCarcharias on Oct 26, 2020 1:13 AM

asked 4 years ago375 views
2 Answers

Hey CarcharodonCarcharias,

As far as I understand, you must meet the 1000 minimum requirement to train a solution version. You cannot get a working solution version/campaign without it. Once you have the model trained on the 1000 interactions, you can incrementally add to this by using putEvents, putItems, and putUsers, but you will not see the changes from these in the getRecommendations (at least for the putevents actions) until you have successfully retrained a new solution version.

Workaround: Since you may have the same problem as me, and simply do not have 1000 interactions available, you can try making some "dummy data" to get the model going, set all the dummy data with a "DUMMY" tag in the ITEMS.csv as metadata, and then remove all of these when getting recommendations using a filter. That seems to work well for me.

I hope that helps, let me know if there's any confusion.

answered 4 years ago

Hello Lawrence
Thanks for sharing your insights. Based on your experience it does seem like I cannot build a corpus of 1000_ events via the putEvents API and then train a model. I MUST import a csv file with 1000_ interactions and train a model on it and then add subsequent events via the putEvents API.

This helped to clear a few things.


answered 4 years ago

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