Failed to receive data over network: SSL_read failed: ErrorStatus=(null).


Im trying to establishing the MQTT , but im getting these error:

[DEBUG] [MQTT] [mqtt_establish_session] Establishing an MQTT session to [ERROR] [Transport_OpenSSL_Sockets] [Openssl_Recv] Failed to receive data over network: SSL_read failed: ErrorStatus=(null). [ERROR] [MQTT] [MQTT_GetIncomingPacketTypeAndLength] A single byte was not read from the transport: transportStatus=-1. [ERROR] [MQTT] [receiveConnack] CONNACK recv failed with status = MQTTRecvFailed. [ERROR] [MQTT] [MQTT_Connect] MQTT connection failed with status = MQTTRecvFailed. [ERROR] [MQTT] [mqtt_establish_session] Establishing the MQTT session failed. [ERROR] [MAIN] [handle_mqtt_establish_error] Bad parameter. Resettig the MQTT and TLS sessions. [DEBUG] [MAIN] [main] Initialising the network state. [DEBUG] [MAIN] [main] Establishing a TLS connection to [INFO] [MAIN] [main] Established a TLS connection to

asked 7 months ago249 views
1 Answer

The errors you are encountering here appear to be numerous. Kindly check your AWS IoT endpoint and verify that it aligns with your AWS IoT region. Additionally, consider using the following command for debugging to help identify SSL/TLS handshake issues :- openssl s_client -connect Lastly, given that you are running the MQTT client on AWS resources (e.g., EC2), ensure that the IAM role associated with the resource possesses the necessary permissions to establish a connection to AWS IoT.

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answered 7 months ago

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