Unable to create instances from newly created AMI's


Been creating Images and deploying new instances without any hassle, then today I started getting the following error.

Enter image description here

I can deploy any of my older images i have created but any new ones i create when i try to create an instance i get the above error.

Tried deploying different instance types but same error. t3.medium, t3.large, t3.xlarge etc.

asked a year ago488 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

I have been able to rectify the issue partially by using the CLI to deploy an instance using the AMI. We were getting the same error when trying to create a launch template revision, but same deal using the cli it works.

The parameters are identical, in the web ui we locate the image click Launch Instance from AMI then set Instance Type, Key Pair and Network settings. When we hit Launch instance we received the error above. Using the CLI to perform the exact same thing: aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-xxx --count 1 --instance-type t3.medium --key-name xxx --security-group-ids sg-xxx --subnet-id subnet-xxx It works fine.

scratches head

answered a year ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

We have the same issue, but when we try to create a new "launch template". We didnt have any problem until yesterday. Now, we create a new AMI, and when we try to create a new launch template, it asks for "Tenancy". We never had selected anything, only "not include in the template" and now it is mandatory to select something. We try to choose "Shared" but it says that "The selected instance type...". We need a solution, please

answered a year ago
  • Yeah this error appears to affect creating instances, creating launch templates and creating launch template revisions. Interestingly enough when you create a launch template/revision via CLI and it creates it, if you try and create a revision/version without actually touching a single thing you still get this warning. What region are you in ?

  • I didnt try using CLI, only web interface. I will try using CLI, to see what happens. Region Ireland.

  • Test done, and you are right! using de CLI everything is ok and I can create new templates without problems, and I can see the new configuration in the web interface, and interact with it. There is some kind of problem in the web interface. Please, fix it


The AMI is trying to deploy to a dedicated host. Was this the intended behavior for the AMI or was that accidentally changed in the newer revisions?

answered a year ago
  • No we were not trying to deploy to dedicated, not sure how the dedicated requirement has slipped into the mix. Ill post below on an interesting finding though.

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