Notification for task maintenance in ECS fargate


We use ECS Fargate for hosting customer application, when Fargate performs a maintenance (like ECS is performing maintenance on the underlying infrastructure hosting the task) is there a way to get notified about this and delay the draining process before the tasks gets completely stopped? Thanks.

asked a year ago1715 views
1 Answer

AWS sends task maintenance notification in advance through your AWS Health Dashboard [2]. When AWS determines that a security or infrastructure update is needed for an Amazon ECS task hosted on AWS Fargate, the tasks need to be stopped and new tasks launched to replace them.

For tasks that are part of an Amazon ECS service, if there's an issue with the underlying host, AWS stops the task. Moreover, the service scheduler also launches a new task in an attempt to maintain the desired count for the service. When this occurs, no task retirement notice is sent. [1]

However, if there's a security issue with the underlying host or platform version that the task is using, a task retirement notice is sent to your AWS Health Dashboard [2] The notice is also sent to the email address that's associated with the account. The task retirement notice provides details about the issue, the task retirement date, and what the next steps are. For more information, see Understanding the task retirement notice [3]


answered a year ago

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