Workmail error whille logging IN


While I am trying to login to the workmail, users are facing issue as 403 error.

Please help me in resolving the issue

asked a year ago187 views
1 Answer

Hi, you should check your Workmail Access Control Rules: they are very often the root cause of such 403 (Forbidden) errors. You may have one that blocks users


Administrators can apply access control rules that allow or deny access 
based on the following criteria:

Protocols – The protocol used to access the mailbox. Examples 
include Autodiscover, EWS, IMAP, SMTP, ActiveSync, Outlook for 
Windows, and Webmail.

IP addresses – The IPv4 CIDR ranges used to access the mailbox.

Amazon WorkMail users – The users in your organization that are 
used to access the mailbox.

Impersonation roles – The impersonation roles in your organization 
that are used to access the mailbox. For more information, 
see Managing impersonation roles.

Hope it helps! Didier

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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