AWS API Gateway migration


I have a setof API. It comes through a gateway. I am migrating it to AWS API gateway. I need to know about the number of man day it require to do that. And what are the additional cost required for that?

1 Answer

The cost model for AWS API Gateway is based on the usage of the service, specifically the number of API calls and the amount of data transferred. The pricing for AWS API Gateway is divided into two main components:

  1. API Calls:

    • Each API call made through API Gateway is charged a certain amount per million requests.
    • The pricing for API calls varies depending on the AWS region and the API's pricing tier (Standard, Premium, or Enterprise).
    • The rates for API calls range from $3.50 to $1.00 per million requests, with lower prices for higher usage.
  2. Data Transfer:

    • AWS API Gateway charges for the amount of data transferred in and out of the service.
    • The data transfer pricing is based on the AWS region and the direction of the data transfer (inbound or outbound).
    • The rates for data transfer range from $0.09 to $0.15 per GB, with lower prices for higher usage.

In addition to the basic API call and data transfer charges, AWS API Gateway also offers the following optional features that have their own pricing:

  • Custom Domain Names: There is a one-time setup fee for each custom domain name, and a monthly charge for maintaining the domain.
  • AWS Lambda Proxy Integration: If you use AWS Lambda functions as the backend for your APIs, there is an additional charge for the Lambda invocations.
  • Cache: If you enable caching for your APIs, there is a charge for the cache capacity and the cache invalidation requests.
  • CloudWatch: Including pricing for metrics and dashboards

The overall cost for using AWS API Gateway depends on the number of API calls, the amount of data transferred, and the usage of any optional features. It's important to carefully estimate and monitor your usage to optimize the cost of running your APIs on API Gateway.

Read more about api gateway cost here:

As a rough estimate, the migration of a few simple APIs can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, while the migration of a larger, more complex API landscape could take several weeks to a few months. It would depend on a number of different factors including number of APIs, complexity, team expertise, testing/validation, and documentation/knowledge transfer.

profile pictureAWS
answered 24 days ago

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