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How to map an FSx for OpenZFS volume to a windows 10 pro while connected via Client VPN?


I was tasked to connect an FSx for OpenZFS volume to Windows 10 Pro local machine via AWS Client VPN.

I have turned on the Windows feature Services for NFS->Client for NFS.

Using Powershell 7, I was able resolve the DnsName of the OpenZFS domain. However when I try to connect using New-PSDrive , it gives the error.

The specified drive root "\\\fsx\" either does not exist, or it is not a folder.

The command I’m using is New-PSDrive -Name "Z" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root "\\\fsx\"

When I try to mount using the command prompt using the command
mount \\\fsx\ Z: I am met with Network Error - 53

Thinking that the problem might be my security group, I decided to create a VM with Ubuntu 20.04 as operating system in my laptop machine.

While connected via Client VPN in the Window Pro laptop, I successfully mounted the "\\\fsx\ to the VM Ubuntu computer. I also was able to add a new file to it as well as read an existing file in the volume.

Please note that there is no Active Domain Controller or Directory in the VPC.

I am stuck at what to do to allow me to mount the OpenZFS volume in Windows 10 Pro.

  • Hi, I would still check the Security Group to see if it allows the IP addresses originating from machines connected through VPN on the required ports.

  • I did add the CIDR range of the Client VPN to the Fsx Security Group when I did my tests

asked a year ago732 views
2 Answers

The command I’m using is New-PSDrive -Name "Z" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root "\\fsx"

When I try to mount using the command prompt using the command mount \\fsx\ Z: I am met with Network Error - 53

There needs to be a double backslash \\ before the fs-.... at the beginning of the filesystem name. You only have a single backslash \ in the commands you've quoted above.


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answered a year ago
  • I changed to using the backtick to show the \\. I didn't notice the lacking \. Thanks.

  • You're welcome Joy Sy, glad I've helped.

    If this has got to the root cause could you accept my initial answer, as this will assist when other users with the same problem find this question in future.


Sorry for the misunderstanding but I meant that I changed my question to show the missing \.
I already was using \\ in my commands.

answered a year ago

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