AWS Client VPN endpoint connection from mobile phone


Good Day, I am getting "Authentication Failed" error when attempting to connect to AWS Client VPN endpoint from a mobile device. Based on "OpenVPN" client was installed on iphone device and configured with the same configuration profile that works perfectly fine on Desktop with "AWS VPN Client" app. The authentication is configured as federated going against MS Azure AD (SAML), No Client Certificate is being used. In OpenVPN client logs we are getting "AUTH_FAILED Invalid username or password". Is there anything that can be done about this? Thank you, Sergey

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

AWS Client VPN with SAML based federated access ONLY supports the official AWS Client VPN Software.

You can not use 3rd party VPN Software (open vpn client) if you are using federated access. To use 3rd Party VPN Software, you have to use certificate based authentication.

It is also confirmed here

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • I guess I can still use a variation of AWS AD, potentially AWS AD Connector. In our case certificate based authentication is not an option. But I've got the point about the "federated access" part. Thanks

  • Yeah you may have to create an AWS managed AD and then create a trust with your azure ad and use AD auth. 100% I agree, I wouldn’t use certificates. I have in the past but it’s far easier with SAML with azure that I’ve setup in the past. Good luck hope you get to a working solution.

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