CloudFront with AWS WAF can't see request chart


I use CloudFront with AWS WAF to monitor requests. But after I enable AWS WAF, I can see nothing in the Security trends within a specified time range chart. I can see Robot requests within the specified time range chart. Is that a bug or I do some wrong operations? What should I do? Please help me, thanks. I can't see chart about Security trends

I can see chart about robot requests

4 Answers
Accepted Answer

I found the cause of this problem, the aws language must be set to english, or the chart will be not correct. Maybe this is a "bug".

answered a month ago


My AWS account's CloudFront shows a graph of requests.
It may be that there are no requests that match the rule and it is not displayed.

profile picture
answered 2 months ago
  • I do nothing just enable AWS WAF. I move my mouse to chart, the tooltip only shows captcha, and there is no up and down percent near the request count. It's strange.

  • I don't think it will be displayed in the graph unless a request that matches the AWS WAF rules is sent to CloudFornt. I think it would be a good idea to create an IP matching rule or something and test it.

  • I think this is a bug for me or other new aws users. I did the basic operation, just enable WAF. And the tooltip only shows CAPTCHA. I changed another simple distribution with simple web site and enabled WAF, the chart did't show either. Are there any ways to report this problem?

  • If you think it's a bug, you may want to open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing". Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

  • Thanks for your detailed answer. I tried to use AWS Support Center, and create a ticket about my problem, but no one response this ticket yet. I also tried to trial business support, but my submission doesn't pass until now. I searched a lot of videos and articles, all of them said just enable WAF, everything will be alright. Your image's tooltip shows four metrics but on my chart tooltip only one metric is shown. So I don't know what should I do now......


I do nothing just enable AWS WAF. I move my mouse to chart, the tooltip only shows captcha, and there is no up and down percent near the request count. It's strange.

answered 2 months ago

I checked WAF rules, just 4 default rules and 1 custom rule. The Web ACLs were created by aws automatically after I enabled AWS WAF. image

answered 2 months ago

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