Amplify flutter delete cognito user


It is possible delete a specific cognito user (not own user). Using amplify flutter?

asked a year ago377 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

At this time, June 28 2023, there is no Dart SDK for AWS as far as I know. However, this can still be accomplished. One possible approach is as follows.

  1. Create a Lambda function that uses the AWS SDK for any supported language and uses the SDK for Cognito to delete the target user.
  2. Expose the Lambda function through an API either through API Gateway or with Lambda Function URLs.
  3. Call the Lambda API from your Flutter application and provide the Cognito user id that you want to delete.

This architecture could be simplified if AWS releases an AWS SDK for Dart. I hope this helps!

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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