IoTCore to CloudWatch - Logging intermittent/ logs missing


I am tracking Iotcore logs with Cloudwatch. For some reason I'm seeing intermittent logging where events that I know have happened are not being logged on Cloudwatch.

For example: My application is receiving messages from a device in the field, over Iotcore. I am tracking the event time (e.g. accelerometer wakeup), the sent time (device timestamp), and the server time (time forwarded from Iotcore to my backend). When looking through Cloudwatch logs for the exact time (and around the time), there are no logs for the event. Specifically, I'm looking for a "eventType": "Publish-In", event. I also don't see any errors for the times in question either (though wouldn't expect any, since message is being correctly delivered).

Is this a known issue? Has anyone else experienced this?

1 Answer

Specifically, I'm looking for a "eventType": "Publish-In", event.

How are you looking? If you search using Logs Insights, I think they should all be there.

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answered 2 months ago
  • Thanks for the suggestion.

    I'm not using a filter. The event literally isn't there. Blank space in the timeline.

    Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree here. Just wanted to see if anyone is seeing the same as this could be a common issue across multiple devices.

  • Are you using Logs Insights, even if not a filter? Events can be spread over different log streams. If the message was received by AWS IoT Core, there will be a Publish-In event. But it's not always easy to find it.

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