Can we run VMware on EC2?


Just simple question, can we run VMware on EC2 by installing VMware software into EC2 from VMware website like with usual local pc?

I've found an article that says nested virtualization is not supported on EC2. : japanese

Accutually I ran it on EC2 with Windows Server 2016, and the next caution was appeared: Compatible Setup, VMware Workstation 16 Player and Hyper-V are not compatible with this version of Windows. Compatible Setup

asked 2 years ago3790 views
3 Answers

I think you should explore VMware Cloud on AWS . You can also try VMware Cloud on AWS Free for 14 days with the Rapid Trial Program

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Simple answer, no, it's not possible to install VMware vSphere in an EC2 Instances, like nested virtualization.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

yes you can install vSphere on EC2. But it may not work without hacks and modifications to the VMware networking. It is not suggested path.

answered 2 months ago

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