What are the steps to setting up cloud map for a private api in account B that is being called in account a through an http vpc link for a http api


I need to create a cloud map service that will allow my http api in account A to communicate with my private rest api in account B. This service needs to register the private endpoint's DNS name. What do I need to do in creating this service to allow this type of communication. Is there anything specific I need to include in this service? Will I need to create an instance? What should be configured in the namespace? How do I make sure the cloud map is associated with executing the private rest api?

1 Answer


You typically don't need to create an instance for CloudMap, as it's a managed service provided by AWS. Instead, you configure namespaces, services, and endpoints within the CloudMap console or through the AWS SDK/API.

Ensure that the appropriate security groups and network configurations are in place to allow traffic between the HTTP API in account A and the private REST API in account B.

[+] How do I use an interface VPC endpoint to access an API Gateway private REST API in another account? - https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/api-gateway-private-cross-account-vpce

If you have any specific requirements or constraints, feel free to mention them for further assistance!

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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